New Energy Materials

Improve energy conversion efficiency.

Lithium Battery Materials

Among the positive materials, the most commonly used materials include lithium cobaltate, lithium manganate, lithium iron phosphate and a ternary material (polymer of nickel-cobalt-manganese). The positive electrode material has a large proportion (the mass ratio of the positive and negative materials is 3:1 to 4:1), because the performance of the positive electrode material directly influences the performance of the lithium ion battery, and the cost is directly determined by the cost of the battery. In the negative electrode material, the present negative electrode material is mainly made of natural graphite and artificial graphite. The negative electrode material being explored is a nitride, a PAS, a tin-based oxide, a tin alloy, a nano-cathode material, and other intermetallic compounds, and the like. As one of the four components of the lithium battery, the negative electrode material plays an important role in improving the capacity of the battery and the cycle performance, and is at the core of the middle reaches of the lithium battery industry. The market-oriented membrane material mainly is a polyolein type separator which is mainly made of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). In the structure of a lithium battery, the diaphragm is one of the key inner layer components. The performance of the diaphragm determines the interface structure and internal resistance of the battery, and directly influences the capacity, circulation and safety performance of the battery, and the diaphragm with excellent performance can play an important role in improving the comprehensive performance of the battery.
The table of material classification application
Material classification Improved performance Application areas
Superconductive materials Superconductive criticaltemperature, critical current density, surface resistance, etc. Transmission cables, superconducting MRE, superconducting motors, magnetic levitation, etc.
Lithium battery materials Ratio capacity, cycle life, etc. Lithium-ion power battery, nickel hydride power battery, etc.
New energy materials Conversion efficiency New energy
Functional ceramic materials Signal-to-noise ratio, service life, energy consumption, etc. Sensors, memory, infrared detection, radiation detection, ultrasonic detection, etc.
Functional film materials Transmission, conductivity, electromagnetic/UV shielding, etc. Mobile phone radiation shielding film, anti-UV film, transparent conductive film, etc.
Alloy materials Strength, high temperature, corrosion resistance Aerospace, automotive, bridges, shipbuilding, etc.
Smart materials Phase change temperature, conductive thermal conductivity, electromechanical coupling coefficient Medical devices, instrumentation, automatic control, robotics, etc.
Electronic materials Conductivity, thermoelectric properties, optoelectronic properties Electronics
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